A Black Academic in the AltCom
Some of y’all ain’t fer sure where I’m comin’ from.
You don’t know if I’m a mainstream purveyor of democratic truths or a semi-closeted conspiracy theorist, trying to make my surreptitious way through the real world. You don’t know if I believe that the Democrats are the best way forward or if I’m not a part of the duopoly altogether.
A lot of this has been purposeful on my part, for the past few years, as I’ve served on City Council and on boards and commissions around the city of San Marcos, Texas. But a lot of you have been with me for a lot longer and some of y’all have known me for many, many years. So y’all have seen me shift and morph with the times and situations, as I have born witness to the same with you and your lives.
We are all in this together and none of us is static. None of us are just one thing, one type of person with only one relative truth to offer to the world. Beneath the veneer, beneath the situations we find ourselves in in life, we are still 5 year old kids, somewhere in there — in here — as a part of our core selves. What we wanted and believed when we were 12 is still in there — in here — whispering to us, reminding us of our deepest truths, somewhere back there beneath all of the momentary, visceral chatter of the monkey mind.
My contradictions are the contradictions that we all share, in that what we know versus what we believe often conflict, and in sharing who we are, those internal contradictions becomes apparent over time. Many of y’all, I met in one phase or another of this journey. We became friends in shared workspaces out in the world or online, growing up and in the military and online forums, office spaces, bulletin boards, classrooms, Myspace, Facebook and other shared places. We’ve remain friends, even if we do not speak all the time. We are connected in ways that will never end.
I’m enamored of knowledge and have sought it beyond all boundaries. That seeking has included formal education as well as areas of study that I’ve assayed myself, seeking proficiency in understanding. These include aspects of quantum physics, history, biology, psychology, political science, chemistry and others. Writing, art and music are my primary modes of sharing what I learn and, while writing has been my primary expression in recent years, music and art are never far away.
I have been blessed and honored to have been chosen to lead in many areas of shared activity off and online; I’ve been online since the Internet was born and before, as my time in the military was spent working with interlinked computer systems in a transportation unit — 39th Trans — across the Benelux region of Europe. That facility with technology led to my taking leadership roles in bulletin boards and discussion forums during my college years.
I was a member then moderator (mod) then administrator (admin) of the BlackIndians Yahoo Group and a member of the original Afrofuturism Group, back in the mid to late 1990s. I was a member of the DeGriotSpace Writing Collective, critiquing and being critiqued by other black writers — many of whom have gone on to their own professional successes — while also being a member of AuthorsDen, sharing prose and poetry with the writers there.
I started out modding and admining poetry boards back in the early to mid 00s. I was a member, then mod, then admin of Urbanpoetics, then co-created Soultry with Lena as part of a group of sites that shared members, work and themes until the sheer force and presence of Myspace and then Facebook deaded that kind of board action.
Of singular note is my participation in the Alternative Community (AltCom), starting at the age of 11 in the late 70s, when my mama brought home Erik von Danniken’s “Chariot of the Gods”. I built upon that foundation with other seminal, written works, like Cooper’s “Behold a Pale Horse”. My mother introduced me to some of these works, others I found during my own research. She shared Zacheriah Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles with me, which we then read together as new books in the series came out over the years. Over the years, I was steeped in the gospel of non-mainstream, conspiratorial truths. Through the 90s, the Aughts and the ‘Teens, I combined my inherent, spiritual seeking with my yearning to understand the hidden, material aspect of this crazy world we all share.
While a student at Prairie View A&M University, an historically black college and university (HBCU), I also educated myself and was educated in the views and understandings of members of the Nation of Islam (NOI), the 5%ers, Black Moors, Hebrew Israelites, Nuwaubians and other Far Left organizations that believe pretty much the same thing as the Far Right. The only difference, of course, being race.
In 2011, I begin to frequent alternative community (AltCom) message boards, starting with Project Avalon, interacting with like-minded souls, some of whom were in it purely for what we perceived to be the ongoing and upcoming worldy, political and economic shift, while others, like me, were primarily seeking higher, spiritual enlightenment. Eventually, folks began to see who I was and I started being asked to mod other boards like The One Truth. Then, I built an AltCom vbulletin board called EyeRise and admined that for a while. I built a couple of others over the years that didn’t last long but also helped to shape internet discussion of AltCom topics at that time.
There were always forces of regression and repression present. I made my presence known on these boards and I became known for fighting against Nazis and Patriots concerned with proselytizing a regressive vision of America, which y’all know now as — and which has evolved to become — Q-Anon but which was, back then, nascent and without clear direction.
In order to engage these folks you have to know their arguments. If you’ve ever engaged in debate before, then you know you have to know both sides intimately, in order to argue the side you choose successfully. I’ve been blessed to become facile with the word and standing for what is right, beyond the moral equivalency morass we are currently embroiled in, which has given my work extra power as truth beyond subjectivity in some areas of people activity.
I had been trained in debate in graduate school, Indiana University-Bloomington’s Geography Department and then Texas State University San Marcos’s Geography Department, so I was well-versed in research and debate and held my own across many Forums and many fights for the ultimate truth of justice and equality for all.
My own personal areas of interest have always been Military Abduction (MILAB), Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs), Psychic abilities and Spiritual Enlightenment. I remain interested in these areas primarily. But, along the way, I have also become well versed in the New World Order mythos. I am aware of the existence of secret cabals and know of the many, many discussions regarding Galactic Federations, different alien entities, the dispensation of consciousness multidimensionally, the existence of Densities and the meaning of the earth’s positioning in relation to the sun and our galaxy’s positioning as pertaining to precessional Ages, Sacred Geometry and the evolution of human consciousness. I am facile in discussing these areas because I have spent a lot of time and effort studying them.
These areas of study have, of necessity, also caused me to become a student of epistemology, ontology, archaeology, history and, being a black man in America, that means I have studied meaning across cultures as well as the diverse interpretations of oceanic human history, genetics and prehistory as extra curricula across my lifetime, so I am also well-versed in the nature of this nation and continent, as well as this world, being a degreed Geographer with a Bachelor’s, Masters and PhD ABD in that field, specializing in Environmental and Educational Geography.
All of this said to say, I know what I’m talking about in some areas of life. When I share, I don’t share out of mere opinion or thought, I’m speaking from years of study and engagement on the front lines of a battle that has now become mainstream, which I’ve seen coming for many years, but in its current xenophobic, conspiratorial and violent form, since 2014, when the shape of things to come became very clear to me as I witnessed its coalescence — and fought against it and the subsequent division of the AltCom — on the conspiracy forums I frequented.
Many people who have just learned about the AltCom seem to speak with authority when they have very little idea what they’re talking about. They are new to the fight and are not aware that much of what is making the rounds currently is actually old news — and, in all actuality, Fake News — and part of a live action roleplay (LARP) and psychological operation (PSYOP) designed to achieve the very ends we are witnessing in the world around us.
One good thing, is that there is now a growing understanding that there is a very real, deliberate and intelligent threat to a future for One Humanity. Determining the locus and source of that threat is of paramount importance.
The eternal battle and dance between polarities, separation versus unity, or the dichotomy, in this instance, of Patriot versus Globalist. Black folks have been generally cast on the side of the Globalists, because the corporations and the governments have seen the future as multicultural and multiracial and have enforced those views upon the Patriots now, for the first time, ever. There are, of course, outliers, who have drank the Qultist koolaid, as there always are.
While my personal instinct and history is to be doubtful of being in the majority, and my research has also informed me of the nature of the Globalist agenda, my understanding of both sides of the issue has brought me to the conclusion that there is another, Third Way, between the two extremes of Patriot and Globalist.
I align with Democrats in the struggle for equality of all people and in environmental remediation. I am beyond party affiliation when it comes to all else. Political gamesmanship is tedious and time-consuming and distracts from the people and the needs of the planet. I am not a Politician or Partisan, persay. I am also not a Revolutionary or Anarchist or any other defined, limited conception of how a human can be within preexistent, systemic categorizations.
I know where both sides of the American politics equation are coming from but, in truth, what must occur in our world for us to move forward as one society, lies somewhere in between. Continue to discount the Patriots if you will. Do as the mainstream media has been doing and call them crazy.
They are not.
At least, not all of them.
Some are very willful and will use whatever ends they must to achieve their aims of a faux-apartheid government in the USA. They do not own the media though and so are now subject to repression and prosecution, as those who proselytize violent revolution should be.
There is a way forward through and beyond the potential violence. We will see if we can reach that realm of possibility without large-scale destruction.
I wish FB allowed us to post things at the top of our timelines, so we don’t have to continue writing them over and over. This is the first time I’ve shared to this level of detail what my experience is, and what my areas of specialty are.
I can talk to you merely about what you know and believe about the mainstream, ‘real world’, or I can add information from what I know and believe about the alternative community version of the truth, which is in addendum to your understanding of the world as presented by the media.
What you personally do with — or believe about — that information, is up to you.
I am, at this point in my life, what might pass for an expert on the AltCom and its general constellations of belief systems and knowings. These are my qualifications. If you made it this far, thank you, for the gift of presence but not necessarily of shared understanding. I hope you take this write in the spirit in which it was shared.